How to create a customizable alpine distribution with docker and other utilities to use with wsl
This article will help you to create a customizable alpine distribution that you can use on a normal Windows or a Windows server 2022. It includes how to install docker and other utilities.
Posted: Oct. 14, 2022 • 2 mins read • Author: Adams Pierre David
Table of contents
Download alpine
First, download the official distribution on
Choose x86_64 under Mini Root Filesystem or just click on the link below if you want the one versioned 3.16.0:
Step 2
Make sure you already have WSL on your computer to continue. Import the distribution you downloaded:
wsl.exe --import alpine "C:\Path-of-where-you-want-to-install-it" "C:\Path-of-your-downloaded-alpine"
Step 3
Enter the distribution in WSL2
wsl.exe -d alpine
Update and install common utils
apk update --no-cache && apk add --no-cache openrc docker docker-compose nano curl wget
Create a docker folder to put the configuration for docker
mkdir -p /etc/docker
In the folder /etc/docker, create a file named daemon.json
cd /etc/docker && sudo nano daemon.json
and add the following
"builder": { "gc": {"defaultKeepStorage": "20GB", "enabled": true } },
"experimental": false,
"features": { "buildkit": true },
"default-address-pools": [
"base": "",
"size": 24
To quit nano: CTRL + s, CTRL + x
Add docker to root group
addgroup root docker
In /etc/wsl.conf add the following
# bridge Hyper-V vmSwitch inside wsl2
networkingMode = bridged
vmSwitch = Replace-It-With-a-NIC-You-Created
# start openrc at boot, doesn't work on Win10, must be Win11 or server 2022
command = "/usr/bin/env -i /usr/bin/unshare --pid --mount-proc --fork --propagation private -- sh -c 'exec /sbin/init'"
In /etc/init.d/ create a file named wait_for_docker without extension (.something) and add the following:
# block until docker starts
while true ; do
if [ -S "$FILE" ]; then
Add the right to execute the file
chmod +x /etc/init.d/wait_for_docker
Add docker to rc-udpate
rc-update add docker default
Step 4
Remove the command history
rm ~/.ash_history
Exit alpine
Export the distribution
wsl.exe --export alpine alpine_customized.tar && gzip alpine_customized.tar